Scientific, Technical and Expert Council

The Scientific, Technical and Expert Council under the Uzatom Agency  was established following the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 19, 2018, No. UP-5484 « On Measures for the Development of Nuclear Energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan».The Composition and the Regulation on the Scientific, Technical and Expert Council of the  Agency for the Development of Nuclear Energy  under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzatom Agency) were approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 06.10.2018. No. 800.

The Scientific, Technical and Expert Council is a collegial body that coordinates the activities of state and economic management bodies, local government bodies and citizens' self-government, including higher educational institutions, research, design and survey organizations, in the development of nuclear energy in the republic. Decisions on strategic issues of nuclear power development are made based on the conclusions of the Scientific, Technical and Expert Council. The Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other legislative acts.

The main tasks of the Council are:
  • organization of work on the formation, consideration and implementation of concepts and programs for the further development of the republic's nuclear energy;
  • consideration and approval of projects for the construction of nuclear power facilities, monitoring the progress of their implementation in compliance with the most important norms and standards in this area;
  • development of recommendations for the placement, design, construction, commissioning, life extension, limitation of operational characteristics and decommissioning of a nuclear power plant or its  unit, as well as storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel;
  • preparation of proposals on issues of safety, protection of the population and environmental protection in the use of nuclear energy, as well as prevention and elimination of the consequences of          emergencies when using nuclear energy;
  • taking measures to ensure the implementation of international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes;
  • preparation of opinions on strategic issues of nuclear energy development.